E-Lawyer : An apps and system to easly process and monitoring the legal field

This problem probably attacked every country in this world ?
You know right about many goverment that caught got some money by doing Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism ?

So today i’ve a dream to make an system for authorities and also an apps for gadget that called E-Lawyer, to help authorities and reducing the act of KKN ( Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism )

This the idea :

E-Lawyer Makalah

Actually i still have no idea how to make it works..
because to make it real it takes much money, like if you know about project E-Tilang ? i think it takes more that billion rupiah to make it real on every region in indonesia based on an article i’ve ever read (i forgot the link “gone”)

Hopefully sometimes it my idea have to be realization 😀